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dijous, 31 de març del 2011

Jo em considero Idealista

Podriem mira la definició de idealisme des de dos visions diferents, una més objectiva i una més subjectiva i trobu que estic d'acord amb les dos.De forma subjectiva definiriem l'idealisme com una teoria que creu que la realitat no és tal i com la veiem sino que es troba modificada per la nostre activitat cognitiva. I seria el tot correcta , ja que avui en dia podem demstrar que la realitat que observam no és la "verdadera",la nostra visio no és tan erfecta i només som capasos de enfocar una part del nostre camp visual al resta realment el veiem borros i amb blanc i negre, és el nostre subconsient que modifica la imatge que nosaltres veiem "omplin" els espais de visio defectuosos.Per tant la realitat que estem veien es falsa,es en si mateix una ironia.El cervell hma és increiblement complexi no podem afirmar que creiem realment en el que estem veien perquè amb molta segureta serà una il·lusió creade pel nostre subconsient.Si definim l'idealisme de forma més objectiva també ens adonem que la humanitat és una societat,una espècie, totalment idealista per molt que Kant afirmés el contrari, sense cap intenció de desmentir la opiniò d'un gran filòsof ja que no tinc suficients coneixements per creure que la meva opinió és millor, crec que els humans amb la capacitat històrica i els coneixaments que poseïm no podem centrar-nos només en el que veuen els nostres ulls.Nosaltres apranem ,memoritzem i estudiem l'entorn i és aquesta cultura el que impedeix que la nostra realitat sigui només el que perseven els nostres ulls.Tenim coneixements de biologia per tan sabem que l'aigua està formada per mol·lècules de hidrogen i d'oxigen ,per molt que no els veiem creiem en la seva existència, per tant sóm idealistes.Com que no puc afirmar que tota la raça humana és idealista ,només puc afirma que ho sóc jo.Per tant,sóc idealista.

dimecres, 26 de maig del 2010

Hollywood actors: the new sex symbols

George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp still in the top of lists of the sexiest Hollywood men but now they have substitutes. Here there are the 15 gallant and seductive boys that are the new Hollywood hearthrobs.
  • Robert Pattinson

    He is the biggest international star of the moment because of his role as Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga. We have also seen him this year in the drama "Remember me".

  • Zac Efron

  • With just 22 years old, no one does not know this young actor who has triumphed in "High School Musical". In to 2010 will be released in theaters three movies in which he pretend to demostrate that he isn't only able to do teen movies.

  • Shia Labeouf
    A young actor, he is just 23 years old, but he already have a long filmography, in which emphasize his roles in the latest film of "Indiana Jones" and in "Transformers". Now he has a relationship with the actress Carey Mulligan.

  • Channing Tatum

  • He is clearly the most fit actor of the moment. He showed his muscles in "Fighting" and in the romantic drama "Dear John". He just roll "The Eagle od th Ninth", he is filming "Knockout" and he will be with Al Pacino in "Son of No One".

      • Bradley Cooper

      • He is the new kid out of style after the hit of "The Hangover"("Resacón en Las Vegas"). He has a relationship with Renée Zellweger and this summer we will can see him in the remake of "The A-Team".

      • Josh Hartnet

      • He is the tough guy of this ranking. He is known for his many romances with actresses. He succeed in the big screen with "Pearl Harbour".

      • Sam Worthington

      • He is without doubt the actor of the moment following the succeed of 'Avatar' and 'Clash of the Titans'. Soon we will see him in his new film, 'The Fields'.

      • Taylor Lautner

      • He is the favorite of teenagers after the big succeed of "New Moon", the second part of the Twilight Saga, in which he show his new sculped body.

      • Eric Dane

      • He is the American best known for his role as Dr. Mark Sloan in the TV series Grey's Anatomy. He recently apeer in the film "San Valentain's day".

      • Ashton Kutcher

      • He is the boyfried of actress Demi Moore, who is 15 years older, and the favorite of all-ages women. He is expert in romantic blockbusters like "American playboy" or "What Happens in Las Vegas"

      • Jake Gyllenhall

        His role in "Brokeback Mountain" definitely catapulted him to fame as an actor with many interpretive resources. Now we shall see him as an action hero in 'Prince of Persia'. He maintains a relationship with the actress Reese Witherspoon.

      • Gerard Butler

      • Succeed both in romantic comedies and action movies. Lately he has been linked with Jennifer Aniston, his co-star in "Ex-resting. "

      • Chris Pine

      • He triumphed as an action hero with grace in the last 'Star Trek' and soon you will see as the agent Jack Ryan.

      • Ryan Reynolds

      • He was considered the sexiest man of the world by People magazine. He is married to actress Scarlett Johansson. His last success on the screen was the comedy 'The proposition', with Sandra Bullock. His next projects, 'Green Lantern' and 'Deadpool', smell of success.

      • Josh Holloway

      • His role in the famous TV series "Lost" threw him to fame. You can also see him in movies like "Hellion: El ángel caído".

      dilluns, 24 de maig del 2010

      Rolling Stone Photoshoots

      In a new interview with Taylor Lautner, the 18-year-old newly buffed-out star of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Rolling Stone magazine didn't just quiz on him on rumors that he might be gay — when he declined to talk about whether he is dating Taylor Swift, they pressed him on whether he might be gay and hasn't quite admitted it to himself:

      “Another possibility is that maybe you’re just sort of discovering yourself,” Rolling Stone asked.
      “OK,” Taylor said.
      ”…As a young person trying to figure out his sexual identity in the world,” the mag continued.
      “OK. I see where you’re going,” he said during the interview. “Interesting choice.”
      “It is a possibility,” the mag said.

      Have a look to this hot shoots!

      Behind the scenes